U.S. News Says the 2021 Hyundai Sonata Is Less Comfortable Than the Hybrid Model
When car manufacturers release a hybrid version of one of their popular models, most people expect the two to look and feel relatively the same, despite a major difference in gas mileage. Interestingly, that rule of thumb doesn’t hold up when it comes to the 2021 Hyundai Sonata, at least in the eyes of one popular reviewing website. Learn more about the 2021 Hyundai Sonata and why the hybrid version scored a much higher interior quality score than the regular version.
The interior of the 2021 Hyundai Sonata vs. its hybrid counterpart
U.S. News released their picks of the 12 Most Comfortable Cars in 2021, and the 2021 Hyundai Sonata Hybrid made the list with an interior score of 7.9/10. Oddly, the regular 2021 Hyundai Sonata was nowhere to be found on the list, though the likely reason for this is its much lower interior quality score of 7.4/10. Are these vehicles really that much different inside to garner drastically different scores?
There aren’t many details about why the reviewers gave the hybrid a higher score, though the U.S. News review described the hybrid as roomy, while the non-hybrid review shows disappointment in the more cramped back seat. They also provided a brief description of the interior stating that the hybrid is made with high-quality materials; in contrast, the only feedback given for the non-hybrid model is that the interior is attractive and well-built.
Although the interior of these vehicles doesn’t seem drastically different, the materials and legroom must have been enough to propel the hybrid to get a half-point higher for interior quality than the non-hybrid Sonata.
A closer look at the 2021 Hyundai Sonata Hybrid
When it comes to hybrid vehicles under $30,000 that give you everything you need, it’s hard to beat the 2021 Hyundai Sonata Hybrid. In fact, the only vehicle that received a higher overall score in this category on U.S. News is the 2021 Honda Accord, receiving 0.1 more points than the Sonata.
Many aspects go into these scores, but an extensive safety features list, high predicted reliability rating, and great performance culminated in an excellent overall score. There weren’t any major changes that came with the 2021 version of the Hyundai Sonata Hybrid, but one interesting optional feature is a solar roof. Hyundai claims that this solar roof can generate two more miles of range per day.
The 2021 Hyundai Sonata Hybrid starts at $27,750, whereas the non-hybrid starts at $23,700.
So, which is better?
When it comes to car-buying, there are rarely any hard and fast rules that apply to everyone. Each driver has their own unique set of preferences and needs, making it impossible to say one car is unequivocally better than the other.
When comparing the 2021 Hyundai Sonata and its hybrid model, the better choice for you depends on what you are looking for. If your priorities are a roomy and comfortable vehicle that gets excellent gas mileage, the hybrid may be a better choice. If, on the other hand, your main concern is the bottom-line price at the dealership, you may be better off with the non-hybrid model.
Both the hybrid and regular 2021 Hyundai Sonata provide about the same amount of power, but the regular version has a new N Line trim that packs a much larger punch. Instead of the 190ish-hp engine that comes in the standard Sonata and the hybrid, the N-Line trim comes equipped with a 290-hp turbocharged engine that accelerates smoothly and quickly and is much more fun to drive.
Of course, the N Line trim will set you back more than the hybrid would, so there are many factors to consider when deciding between the two models, and further, which trim you would want in each.
RELATED: The Hyundai Sonata Hybrid Won an Impressive Award
The post U.S. News Says the 2021 Hyundai Sonata Is Less Comfortable Than the Hybrid Model appeared first on MotorBiscuit.