A powerful recruiting strategy

Have you ever employed someone who simply couldn't get to work on time, consistently underperformed or whose work product seemed to always create a headache for you?

I hear story after story from frustrated managers who put up with the bad behavior and tolerated subpar results, simply because they believed they couldn't immediately replace these people or that they "just can't find good people anymore".

This can lead to lower client satisfaction, reduced performance, but moreover, erode our organizational culture, at times resulting in a rash of employee defections, because they see it as a lack of equal treatment, they then begin looking for their next career move, also known as a HIGH NOON™ moment!

Most dealerships "thin slice" the candidate field. They tend to recruit only when they’re in panic mode, desperate to fill an open position. This is precisely when we make bad hiring decisions based on quickly filling an emergency need versus always having a base of prospective candidates to choose from. This is inherently flawed and eliminates from consideration any top candidate that is not at HIGH NOON™ when the employer is running their active campaign for top talent.

As employers, we should always be at HIGH NOON™ perpetually speaking to top talent in the market...but if we are not there 24/7/365 catching candidates when they are at HIGH NOON™ and ready to consider a career change...we lose!

The HIGH NOON™ strategy is so simple. yet so highly effective, because it prioritizes the candidates' event responses, not the dealership's. This is a critical element to understand. Businesses like Amazon maximize their engagement and revenues because they pay very close attention to "life events" that prompt specific behaviors, actions and purchase decisions by their customers. The HIGH NOON™ strategy mirrors the predictive and anticipatory genius of Amazon, the single most successful seller on Earth.

The same principle applies to HIGH NOON™ recruiting, we can almost perfectly time a connection with an employment candidate when they experience a life or career event such as a change in business ownership, a change in pay plan or conflict with a newly-hired manager. On the personal side, getting married, the birth of a child, the need to address a college tuition or even a spouse being relocated to a new city or state can put in motion the desire for a career change. Events, like these, and many more, often trigger these critical decisions, therefore it is absolutely critical to our recruiting success that we be speaking to candidates when they are ready.

So, if you're finding it harder and harder to attract TOP TALENT when you face an immediate need to fill an open position...Commit to our 24/7/365 HIGH NOON™ Strategy, be patient and persistent as you see your recruiting efforts explode with more, talented candidates in the next few months!