Special thanks to Lauren Fix for providing this content: See original

Is self driving technology a waste of money?! After $100 billion invested and nothing to show for it... Maybe...
#tesla #selfdrivingcar #waymo #stage5autonomousdriving #waymo #autonomousvehicle #autopilot

The Audi TT is going the way of the dodo bird! Are you ready for the end of ICE sports cars?
#auditt #audittrs #internalcombustionengines #audir8 #electriccars

The auto industry is rapidly moving toward a future of driverless cars. One of the main arguments in favor of this new technology is that it will make driving safer. Here is a reality check.

It's A Scam = $100 BILLION Invested in self-driving cars! While Tesla has argued that its current system represents a working prototype, Musk has continued to blur the lines between demos and reality. Now with claims of falsifying video, the courts and the federal government will have to decide the truth.

While the industry’s biggest names continue to project optimism, the emerging consensus is that the world of self driving vehicles might have to wait decades longer, or an eternity. Thanks for watching and subscribing.

0:00 t's A #scam = $100 BILLION Invested in #selfdriving #cars

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