The Most Common Driving Test Mistakes That Will Make You Fail
The practical on-the-road driving test is the last hurdle before obtaining a driver’s license. The purpose of this test is to determine whether you can drive confidently while observing car safety. It’s essential to prepare for the test just as you would with other exams. Here’s a look at what a driver’s license test entails and common mistakes to avoid.
What to expect during a driver’s license test
Before obtaining a driver’s license, you’ll be expected to drive a vehicle while an examiner evaluates your ability to control the vehicle in different driving situations. Thus, you should prepare to get tested on various driving skills.
These include navigating corners, parallel parking, backing up, driving through intersections, three-point turns, entering and exiting highways, and changing lanes. While demonstrating these skills to the examiner, he/she will also observe if you’re handling the vehicle safely and lawfully.
The driving portion of the test also entails testing your eyesight. For instance, the examiner may require you to read the registration number of a vehicle parked 20 meters ahead of you. If you can’t do that, you’ll certainly fail the driver’s test.
Common driving test mistakes that may make you fail
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According to the DMV, there are so many mistakes you can make when you get behind the wheel during a road test. Even so, it’s best to remember that since you’re not a qualified driver, the examiner doesn’t expect you to be perfect. Moreover, you can retake the test if you fail the first time out. That said, here are some common driving mistakes that could make you fail a driver’s test, according to Aceable.
Whether you’re the driver or passenger, the rule of thumb is to fasten your seatbelt after entering a vehicle. Unfortunately, some students fail to buckle up during their driver’s test, which could be attributed to anxiety, fear, or nervousness. You’ll automatically fail a driver’s license if you forget to buckle up.
During a driver’s license test, you’ll undoubtedly want to impress the examiner. Some students go to the extent of keeping their eyes on the road ahead while forgetting to check the rear-view and side mirrors regularly. These mirrors are there to ensure you drive safely, and failure to use them could make you fail the examination.
At stop signs, you need to bring a vehicle to a complete halt. Making an incomplete stop at stop signs is a traffic offense that could attract fines of up to $500. During your test, it’s best to observe stop signs and red lights. Failure to do so means you’ll automatically fail the test. In this regard, always keep your foot on the brake pedal for a few moments until the vehicle stops completely.
Driving unnecessarily fast is among the mistakes that many road test students fall victim to. It’s a no-brainer that overspeeding is a major cause of fatal crashes. Often, student drivers don’t surpass speed limits due to recklessness, but instead, out of nervousness and anxiety. Driving over the stipulated speed limit will automatically result in a fail during your examination.
During a driving test, you should anticipate pedestrians because they have the right of way. Failing to yield to pedestrians or paying attention to crosswalks when turning increases the possibility of failing a driving test.
What you can take away from this
Although a driving test takes an average of 30-40 minutes, it’s the most essential step before obtaining your driver’s license. Preparing for the test also entails knowing the common mistakes that could make you fail. So, if you’re preparing to get out there for your own test, now you’re a bit more prepared than before!
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