Entries by Parts Edge

Most frequently asked parts management questions

We get lots of questions about how to improve inventory health and how PartsEdge helps. Here are the most common questions and answers plus tips and tricks for further optimization. Q: What should we do with really old, non-returnable obsolescence? A: We suggest first trying to sell the parts on Dealermine, RevolutionParts, or a similar […]

Propane Vehicles | The Future of the Industry

According to the US Department of Energy, Propane Vehicles (also known as liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), or propane autogas) is considered an alternative fuel with roughly 60,000 on-road propane vehicles with certified fuel systems in the United States currently. While these vehicles perform similarly to conventional gasoline cars, their fuel economy is lower than gasoline […]

Parts department trends of 2022

With staffing, parts, and new car shortages, increasing costs, and ever-changing protocols, parts departments have evolved immensely since 2020. 2022 was no exception with constraints leading to innovation, breakthroughs, and new priorities across the board. Here are the top trends we witnessed in 2022 and our take on how dealers might use them to inform […]

Navigating manufacturer programs

Manufacturer ASR Parts Programs are typically advertised to dealerships as a way to achieve higher levels of service and potentially higher profits with the promise of less work for parts management. Some manufacturer programs guarantee the returnability of suggested parts in the future if the dealership will stock them now. On the surface, terms like […]